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Online LLM in Environmental and Energy Law: Tuition

Online LLM in Environmental and Energy Law estimated tuition

Total estimated cost*
The total estimated cost of this programme is £17,640 (academic year 2024-25). You can pay in full or in instalments of £2,520 per module. All costs are listed to help you make an informed decision.
Other costs to budget forThe programme fee includes any online resources including full access to the online learning platform, course materials and required digital reading materials. The fee does not include any personal expenses for new technical equipment or office supplies.
*Programme fees are reviewed annually and are subject to change each academic year. The fees listed above are for the academic year 2024-25.

What are my funding options?

Online postgraduate study is a significant financial commitment, and we want you to be completely aware of the associated costs – and all the support available – before becoming a student with us. There are a number of funding options available to help you, including loans, scholarships and employer reimbursement.

Funding options